Link Love

All students in the Davies Forum are required to keep blogs, and we all blog about the guest speakers, other events, and thoughts that happen during the forum. Here is my "link love" for the other 6 students in the class.

Amber - Shiny Things
Blake - Lost in the Fog SF
Kelly - Stay with the Soft
Lis - lis pense
Lulu - Lulu's User-Friendly Guide to San Francisco
Steve - Digitizing Dreams and Waking Life


Amber said...

Aw, thanks. My blog link loves you back.

Kelly said...

I believe that this post is in the running for the "most useful blog post of the century" award. Yes, there is an award. And yes, you should win.

Ivan Chew said...

About time! I had a hard time trying to find the posts by the Davies Scholars!

david silver said...

yeah, this post rocks.

bryan asked me how to keep up with student blogs and i was able to point him to this post.